Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Art Days

On Thursday and Friday of last week we had an art adventure.

We started off the day finishing our sunflower painting. These were done using Indian ink and water colour paint. They were observational drawing based on the sunflowers we have grown in our class.

We read the book The Nickle Nackle Tree by Lynley Dodd, the same author as Hairy Maclary. We drew some of the birds from the book, painted them bright, bold colours, outlined them with vivid and carefully cut them out. We carefully glued them onto our giant tree that we made. We added the final details with vivid.

In the afternoon, a visiting art teacher came and took us on an art adventure, we couldnt make a mistake. We had to divide the page into 9 squares. In the top left we did a scribble without taking the crayon off the page. The middle top we took or crayon for a walk, all the lines had to be straight. The top right was fill of spirals, we couldnt lift the pencil off the page. The middle square had 4 lines which made a mountain and a river. On either side we extended the lines. On the bottom left and right we drew some sunflower leaves, and again we couldnt take the crayon off the page. In the final square we had drew 2 koru.

In the top 3 squares we could only use blue and white paint. We had to mix them to make shades so you could see the pattern. It was really tricky but everyone did a great job.

For the middle 3 square we carried on doing the sky with the blue and white. For the hills we added in yellow paint, and had to mix our own greens, so we got a range of colours and showed textures with the colours.

The final 3 squares we did the background green and then coloured the objects with red and yellow paint.
We are really proud of what we came up with. It was cool how they looked really random to start with then they came together and looked awesome.

On Friday afternoon 6 room 13 people got to go and do an extra art session with Rei. These people were Kayla, Kimberley, Samantha, Jonathan, Te Ahu and Kairon. During this session they used sign maker vinyl to make Taradale inspired tiles. An interesting fact for the vinyl was, every square metre of it is worth $1000. They will be finishing these off next term.

It was a great art day and a bit J

Read-a-Thon dress up day!

Today was the dress up day for Read-a-Thon.  Don't we look amazing!

Friday, 5 July 2013

Taradale Intermediate Visit

Today the year 6s walked over to visit Taradale Intermediate.
We meet in the hall with Greenmeadows School, here we were greeted by the Principal Mr Coxon, Ms Eddy the Deputy Principal, Mr English the lead teacher of technology and the school leaders.
In our 7 groups we went over to the technology classes and spent an hour doing an activity.

The seven classes were:
Cooking, hard materials, digital media, visual art, bio tech, sport challnege, sewing

In each class we created an example of the types of things made when doing that subject.
In cooking we made cakepops,

Hard materials we made acrylic shapes 
Digital Media made a reverse video clip (we will upload this when we get it)

Visual Art we used du kit to make small objects such as hamburger, pianos, sushi, icecreams etc. (These will be delivered to school when they have been dried)
Sport Challenge we played a new game based on a traditional Maori game.

Sewing we made scented stuffed strawberries

During Biotechnolgy we had to solve the murder mystery of Professor Felix, to do this we tested his drink to see if it was power aide or poison, it was poison!!! We had to test artificial urine and blood samples. We also made some sherbet.

We had morning tea in the playground and then did another class.    
At the end we all meet in the hall again, asked some questions. Humo did an amazing impromptu thank you to TIS Awesome!
We then strolled back to school in time for lunch.

It was a great first introduction to intermediate. 

By the Room 13 year 6s J