The clock is ticking down to the 2012 London Olympics. Over
the holidays we were given the task to research a country each, these were
countries that we hadn’t really heard of, some of the names sounded strange and
unusual. With this information we have collated it onto a sheet summarising
that country, next week we are sharing the country information with the class
and then this will become part of our Olympic display. Next up we will be
looking at the history behind the Olympics.
Spooner fever has arrived; we are striving to be the best in
the upcoming interschool competition.
This week we have been organising the teams. The sports are soccer boys
and girls, hockey, netball and rugby 10’s. Some teams have had to have trials
because so many people wanted to be in the teams. We have begun practising,
leading up to the week 6 competition.
The 3 R’s – resilience, respect and responsibility have been
a focus this week, these expectations are part of the new school emblem so we
have spent time talking about them and what they mean to us. There is now a new
reward system during break times, if you are caught using the 3 R’s you get a
slip which then gets recorded on the chart, if you get 5 you get a certificate
and then when you reach 10 you get a moosie or a juicey, and then when you get
even more you get a special school badge! The 3 R’s are now displayed in murals around
the school and in every classroom.

When you hear this you may think that we have been slack but
no! This week we have watched the movie Meet the Robinsons. It is about a kid
whose dream is to become an inventor. Every day we have watched a part of the
movie with subtitles and done reading activities based around it. Some of the
activities are, finding the longest word in the subtitle and making as many
words out of that word in a minute, identifying synonyms in the subtitles plus
many more. We can’t wait for the next movie next week.
The Real Art Roadshow came to school which was full of
different art by different artists. All up the art was worth 1 million dollars,
including one painting which was worth $400,000! It is owned by a lady in
Wanaka. It was amazing to see a huge range of different types of art. It really
showed the unique ideas and how everyone has a different view as to what good
art is. The whole truck was worth $2.5 million. What an amazing opportunity to
have an art gallery on our court. We were lucky enough to visit the truck
multiple times and hear all about the meanings behind the different pieces of
Bang, bang, bang at the door!
‘Rei’s here!’ someone called out.
On Tuesday we did some paper painting, otherwise known as
collage with paper with Rei a visiting art teacher. She showed us how to use
ripped up magazines to create pictures. You had to pick simple object to do for
example a sun, drink bottle or heart. You then had to hunt through magazines
and find the correct colour for your object. The idea was to have little bits
of colour not full images. The only way you could use a magazine picture was to
rip it into small pieces and piece it back together. It was great to have a
visit from someone so enthusiastic about art. We are still busy finishing these
off and will post some pictures when they are done.
Contributors to this blog are Humo, Troy, Caleb, Sam,
Kimberley and Angala.