Monday, 25 February 2013


We created these shields which represent ourselves. First on our shields we did our draft we have to select symbols that represent ourselves. We drew them in pencil then outlined with vivid, then we used pastel to colour in the pictures, next we dyed the background of our shields, each of the 4 segments a different colour. Then we cut strips of tinfoil and glued it onto the edges on our shields to make it look like metal. Then we stapled the handle on the back, this made them curved and look more interesting, plus gave us something to hold.
Special Assembly
This morning we had a special whole school assembly for Ms Bevis, welcoming her as the new principal. Mr Turfrey was there to present a special gift to Ms Bevis, a tuki, it is a dark greenstone necklace, and the shape of it represents building new things. The whole school sung a special song that we learnt for the event and the school song. School families and Ms Bevis’s family was there to watch the special event.

Reading Groups
Last week we started our reading groups, each group is named from a house from Harry Potter. The groups are Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Griffindor.

One group is reading Trash and doing a literacy circle, they will tell you more about this later.

The other three groups are reading smaller novels focusing on making text to self-connections.


  1. Hey rm 13 love the sheilds and hope u guys have a great year :) xx

    Ocean :)

  2. love the photo of the sheilds and it was so fun when we were drawing and colouring them awsome


  3. I like how you made our reading groups out of harry potter groups cool idea I like it


    1. Now Mrs C should do Lord of the Rings reading groups
