Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Welcome back to term 2


Peppermint is our class mascot, he is a sock monkey Mrs Colliss made him while at her old school in Raumati. As a class we decided his gender is a boy and his favourite colour is purple. When our name gets pulled out of a container we get a choice to take him home or not.When he is with us we write a fiction or a non-fiction story about what we did with him, we can also take photos and add pictures. The aim is to be creative. Liam is the first person to take him home.  

By Tommy, Te Ahu, Liam, Kairon, Michael and Jack

Ancient Egypt

This term our topic study is Ancient Egypt. We have written what we know and what we want to know. We have collected lots of books about  Ancient Egypt that are displayed in our room. We have started doing our title pages in our topic books. We are looking forward to carrying on with our interesting study.

By Kimberley, Kayla, Isabel and Nikita  


Our topic this term is Ancient Egypt and a game they used to play was Senet. Everyone enjoyed the game from Pharaoh to farmers.

We decided to make our own game of Senet. We first made salt dough we added half a cup of salt and one cup of flour and we mixed it and added small amounts of water until we had a squishy piece of dough. We crafted pyramid type pieces and put our table number on the base. Mrs Colliss put the pieces in the oven for four hours. We are going to paint the pieces and make the board game. We are looking forward to play the games when it is done.
By Ethan, Humo, Caleb, Bryce.
Shared Reading Groups
On Monday the 6th of May we stared to read horrible science books. There are 5 groups. Our groups are our desk groups.
The books are:
Vicious veg
Blood bones and body parts
Deadly Diseases
Angry animals
Fatal forces
One person reads and the rest follow along with the reader, using our own copy of the book. You have a choice whether you want to read to the group or not, some people like reading aloud and others prefer to listen.
By Pasa Justice Seth Sam Shohei and Nick

Our garden
Last term, we planted some sunflower, lettuce and silver beet seeds. Now this term our sunflowers are growing very tall, also the lettuce we planted in the garden is growing bigger and stronger there is also some cauliflower which is starting to open up so we can see the white cauliflower. The garden is really standing out and is being very successful. We are very proud of it.
By Shirley, Micayela, Anna, Samantha, Isabelle and Tahlia     



  1. The book we are reading in S.R.G is AWESOME!!!!!!!!

    From Tommy:)

  2. in our group we are reading vicious veges it is really cool

  3. S.R.G is amsome I anjoy angry animal's


  5. Peppermints adventure book is getting better every week

    ANTHONY :)

  6. hahah i like the idea of having Peppermint ! :)

    Ocean xx

  7. S.G.R.- Deadly Diseases is so cool its so gruesome you might throw up!!!!

    The book has diseases all in the book and germs

    From Ethan & Bryce

  8. My favourite part of angry animals was about bears and how they eat and how they take care of there cubs.I also liked it about wolves and how there almost extint. From Te Ahu
