Lego avatars
We created Lego avatars on the computers. On this website
You could choose a variety of clothes and accessories for your Lego avatar. Once we created our avatars, we had to screen capture them, copy them into our learning journal and then crop them so we could only see our avatar.
Here is what they look like.
By Tommy and Humo.
Fantastic Mr Fox written by Roald Dahl
Ladies and gentlemen, our reading group, Mike Teavee, has been reading the most fantastic book…. FANTASTIC MR FOX!! For the past two weeks we read it, it was about when these three crooks Bean, Bunce and Boggis wanting to kill Mr Fox because Mr Fox keeps stealing food from their farms. At the end of the story had a dinner feast. We all loved the book. By Willow, Samantha and Shirley.
Te Reo Maori
At Bledisloe School every Wednesday a tutor named Hoani comes to our classrooms and teaches us Te Reo Maori. We learn the culture of Maori, the language and the stories. At lunchtime a special group of children go to the hall to sing songs and do chants. The Kapa Haka group performs and do shows to represent our school we are very proud and we hope to go very far with our Te Reo Maori.
By Ocean and Sam
Volley Ball
Over the past term we have been playing volleyball on Wednesday’s. We have two teams and they are coached by Mrs Harris and Miss Mills. In the games we have 3 different shots we use.
1- Is the set where we have to get the ball to the other side creating a rainbow to the other side.
2- Is the forearm pass, which we have to bend down low and we put our hands on top of each other and hit the ball with our forearm.
3- The last shot is the spike we open our hands and hit the ball over the net. The spiker is also the target if another player from our team gets it to us and we spike it over and we get a bonus point.
We are playing really well and are really proud of our hard work and commitment.
By Kassie and Maxine.
Charlie and the
Augustus Gloop Augustus Gloop…
The great big greedy nincompoop!
How long could we allow this beast
To gore and guzzle, feed and feast
On everything he wanted to?
Great Scott! It simply wouldn’t do!
Funny huh?
By Te Manawa and Felix.
Term 1 Review
What a term it was a start to start all school years! The main highlight was camp of course (apart from the fact that we were dead tired when we got back home.) Also our class is now looking beautiful with our art up on our walls from the treaty posters to the Gavin Bishop art, our classroom is a masterpiece. We are nearing the end of our Roald Dahl unit with us completing a Roald Dahl matrix.
By Ian and Willie
Wow!! Our classroom is bright we have done so much art in term 1. Kimberley’s favourite art was the Kiwi Moon Art and her partner’s was the Treaty of Waitangi posters. We have just finished the poppy pictures they are looking great. We are working on exciting words, we get a boring word and think of exciting ones to use instead. We hope to do just as much art in term 2.
By Kimberley and her partner.
Poppy Art
This week room 13 have done poppy pictures to remember the A.N.Z.A.C’s who died in World War 1, 2 in Gallipoli and other places around the world.
We did the pictures by starting with painting the green grass then the blue sky and the clouds, poppies with the black dots and stems. With the poppies, we did the poppies large at first and did little dots of red at the back. On the back Mrs Colliss numbered the back 1 to 29 and put them in order so they form 1 cool, big poppy picture they look great on the wall. ByBen and Michael.
Basketball 2012.
This year the year 5/6 Bledisloe Boomers had an awesome start to their games! The team had practised from a Monday to Friday. The team played at the Centennial Hall in Napier. Our coach Mrs Dingle was awfully proud of how well we played throughout the term. The students in Room 13 who played are Foni, Te Manawa and me, Tyler. We are stunned of how well we’ve played throughout the term.
I have really enjoyed doing the Poppy art and everything else Term 1 has been a blast i loved it im going to miss room 13 in the Easter holidays :) Ive done a Lego avatar at home its an awesome website!
ReplyDeleteBy Ocean
What a great term you have all had, Hope you have a good holiday and that the weather clears up.
ReplyDeleteFrom the writer of the term 1 review(starting with I)
I really enjoyed making the lego avatars, they look awesome.
Awesome blog Room 13!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work :)
From Cally
(Fallon's sister)
Making the mini figures was fun. So fun that I had another go on it. By Troy