Room 13 were lucky enough to have her in our classroom for over an hour taking us for circle time. She played some fun games with us like keeping a puppet seal moving around a parachute, which was held by all of us. To get the seal to move we had to gently lift out arms up and tip it to the side, the point of the activity was for us to work together.
activity she did with us was we sat in a circle and shared one thing we would
change about school. We weren’t allowed to pass or mention names. Once we had
been around the circle, she selected 3 people to develop their ideas. They told
us about the details of their issues and then one persons issue was selected.
students issue was: when people walk away from games when they don’t get their
own way. The class then offered suggestions, directed at the person with the
issues, she had to thank them for their suggestion and let them know if she
thought it would work. These solutions have been tried out and some of them
have solved the issue.
people who received the certificates were
For being an inclusive member of our class
For being nice and friendly to everyone.
For getting on with everyone.
last activity that she did with us was a calming activity. We all had to close
our eyes and pretend we were on a beach, and the sand was diamonds and other jewels.
After a while she starting moving her instrument which made a soothing sound,
it sounded like water washing over stones.
really appreciated our time with Jenny Mosley, she has an amazing character. We
were lucky to have her in our class.
Colliss was very proud of us because we shared our ideas, had great manners and
were respectful. She was especially proud when Mrs Mosley and the other
visiting teachers complimented the class and Mrs Mosley said that they were one
of the best classes that she had been in. How awesome are we!
fact Mrs Colliss was so proud of us that night she made us marshmallow coconut
balls for lunch on Tuesday!
Ian, Nicole, Humo, Caleb and Sam.
LOVED the circle time it was great!
ReplyDeleteCircle time was really fun!(; maxine!
ReplyDeletecircle time with mrs mosley was awesome my favourite part was when we threw the seal.
ReplyDeleteFrom TOMMY!!!!
Mrs Mosley was so cool!!!!!! She was always smiling and complementing us :)
ReplyDeleteOne of the nicest person I've ever met!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fallon :D